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Our buses
Our tourist bus fleet has an average age of 3 years and is equipped with the most modern driver assistance systems (ADAS):
- adaptive cruise control
- automatic emergency braking
- notice of collision with vehicles
- maintenance of the lane
- blind spot monitoring
- driver fatigue detector
A continuous fleet renewal plan allows us to guarantee the best safety performance.

All buses are insured for damage to property and people with an unlimited ceiling.
All buses are regularly subjected to routine maintenance as indicated by the manufacturers and are reviewed annually by the civil engine or authorized workshops.
All buses are equipped with geolocation.

Small from 16 to 30 seats

Medium from 31 to 40 seats

Large from 41 to 55 seats
Our drivers
All our drivers are regularly employed by us and are paid in accordance with national collective bargaining.
Each driver is trained in matters of:
- good operation of tachographs
- road traffic
- disability and bus
- safe driving
- health and safety at work
All drivers are subject to annual health surveillance.
Checks on compliance with driving times and rest periods for train staff are carried out through the Golia management system, the first platform entirely Italian market leader in the management of company fleets of any size, for freight and passenger transport.

ISO9001 and ISO39001 certifications
We are certified ISO9001 (quality management system) standard with which our business management system is certified in order to conduct and improve the effectiveness of our production processes to achieve and increase the satisfaction of our customers.
We are certified ISO39001 (road safety management system) standard by which our company management system is certified in order to define and evaluate processes that have or may have impacts from the point of view of road risk such as transport activities, vehicle management, the penalties to the code of the road, the road claims with consequent emission of the operating procedures to which all the dependent staff must follow.